°®¶¹app/NOCA 2019 Travel Grant for Students & Emerging Professionals


Michele Racioppi


°®¶¹app staff


chapter, docomomo, noca, travel grant, national symposium
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The °®¶¹app/NOCA Travel Grant provides financial support for students and emerging professionals committed to the documentation and conservation of Modern buildings and landscapes. The intention of the scholarship is to enable one individual to participate in the °®¶¹app 2019 National Symposium in Hawaii from September 25-28.


The 2019 °®¶¹app/NOCA Travel Grant provides a single grant (up to $1,000) for related expenses, including (but not limited to):

  • Registration to National Symposium
  • Travel expenses to and from National Symposium
  • Lodging expenses during the Symposium


The scholarship is open to current undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students enrolled in established institutions of higher learning, as well as emerging professionals who have graduated within the past three years.

Applicants must be actively engaged in issues concerning the documentation and conservation of buildings, sites, and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement in Northern California. “Documentation” may be in the form of research or scholarship, such as thesis or class projects, related to architecture, design, or planning topics associated with the 20th Century Modern Movement.

Applicants are asked to demonstrate their committed interest in the subject and how the scholarship will meaningfully advance their goals or work.


Reporting Requirements

The grant recipient will be asked to give a 30-minute presentation following the Symposium to discuss their interests in Northern California Modernism and their experience at the symposium. Presentations may be conducted in person or over video (e.g., Skype).

Within three weeks of the Symposium, the recipient is required to submit an article (500-2000 words) on their experience at the symposium with accompanying photographs. The article will be published in the °®¶¹app newsletter.

To qualify for consideration of the °®¶¹app/NOCA grant award, please submit your application by April 30, 2019. Details for applying follow.


Application to include:

1. Statement (in English, 750 words) that explains how this grant will meaningfully advance your goals, scholarship, or work. Please discuss:

  • Your research interests in the Modern Movement in Northern California and how your research will contribute to the scholarship or body of knowledge on Northern California Modernist architecture and design
  • What you hope to learn and accomplish by attending the °®¶¹app National Symposium

2. Curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum)

3. Proof of educational enrollment (where applicable)

4. Proposed expense budget (include estimated expenses, such as registration fees, travel, and lodging)



  • EXTENDED DEADLINE: Applications will close on June 30, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. PST.
  • Please email your submission as an email attachment (Word or PDF) to docomomo.noca.chapter@gmail.com under the subject line “Travel Grant Application.”
  • The grant recipient will be notified in July 2019.

A Word from our 2018 Travel Grant Recipient

“Attending the °®¶¹app National Symposium was a great initiation into the organization and its involvement in architecture, preservation, design, design, art, and community engagement. The experience developed my understanding of Modernism's current day importance and implications, demonstrated in vivid color the ever evolving scope of the movement, and gave me the opportunity to contribute and become an agent in the process,” says Nicole D. Santiago, Master of Architecture candidate in the History, Theory, and Society program at the UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design.



About the 2019 National Symposium

The °®¶¹app National Symposium is the primary event in the United States for professionals to discuss and share efforts to study and preserve Modern architecture and meet leading practitioners and industry professionals. Held annually, this multi-day conference seeks to engage local participants in cities across the United States, offering participants the ability to interact with and explore a wide variety of significant modern architecture and sites.

The U.S. Modern Movement in architecture is broadly defined as the period from 1930-1970s. Buildings or sites of the period often looked to the future without overt references to historical precedent; expressed functional, technical or spatial properties; and were conscious of being modern, expressing the principles of modern design. The architecture produced during this period took on many forms and represented a range of complex ideology.

The 2019 National Symposium in Honolulu will feature four days of engaging programming, exclusive tours, and keynote conversations with visionary leaders. This year’s symposium will explore how how architects applied modernism’s core tenets within Hawaii’s climate and multicultural context, the impact of World War II and statehood on the people, the culture, and the architecture, and much more.

Learn more about the 2019 National Symposium.