2023 Call for Articles


Michele Racioppi


°®¶¹app staff


Call for papers, Newsletter, Revisiting Urban Renewal
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°®¶¹app accepts article submissions on an ongoing basis for publication on our website and in our monthly newsletter on a wide range of issues concerning Modernism. In particular, this year we invite submissions on 2023 thematic focus of "Revisiting Urban Renewal" as well as explorations of Modernism in set design for TV and movies.

Revisiting Urban Renewal

The °®¶¹app 2023 annual theme is Revisiting Urban Renewal. The July special edition newsletter will be dedicated to articles addressing this theme. We invite article proposals that seek to revisit and better understand the complexity of projects that were built in the name of Urban Renewal, and those that further explore known and unknown stories to better understand past and present built environments and the role of community and memory. Examples of typologies to be explored include government complexes, affordable housing, superhighways, suburban developments/subdivisions, corporate centers, sporting arenas, convention centers, shopping centers, and landscapes. 

Proposals should be received by May 19, 2023. If your article is accepted, materials are due by June 2, 2023. See below for article submission instructions.

°®¶¹app is also seeking a Guest Editor for this newsletter. A stipend of $500 is available.

Modernism at the Movies

Architecture, design and aesthetics of the Modern Movement have been used and referenced widely in pop culture and in particular in movie and TV set design. With recent publications such as The Architecture of Suspense and Star Trek: Designing the Final Frontier, °®¶¹app seeks to explore this topic further in our August special edition newsletter. We expect this to be a lighter topic that can be approached from either an academic or enthusiast perspective.

Proposals should be received by June 16, 2023, 2023. If your article is accepted, materials are due by June 30, 2023. See below for article submission instructions.

Article Submission Instructions

Articles can take the form of new/original material; book excerpts; visual essays; articles from regional publications seeking a wider audience; articles from print-only publications that would like the article to be published digitally; modified thesis or thesis excerpts; and more. 

Article proposals should be submitted via email to info@docomomo-us.org and should include:

  • Article title
  • Brief description summarizing article content along with a short outline of the structure of the piece
  • 1-2 samples of images that would be included in the article
  • Author(s) bio

Final articles are typically 500-2,000 words and feature at least 4-6 images. The author is responsible for securing any image/copyright permissions.