Symposium Schedule

The Hawaii Symposium will take place from Wednesday, September 25th through Saturday, September 28th. While all official events will take place over the course of four days, guests are encouraged to arrive early or depart late in order to enjoy all Hawaii has to offer. Additional self-guided tours and places of interest will be shared with all participants. 

Schedule at a glance:

Wednesday, September 25th

Morning - °®¶¹app Board of Directors Meeting

Afternoon - °®¶¹app Chapter Forum

Evening - Opening Kickoff Reception at the Outrigger Canoe Club

Thursday, September 26th

Morning - Sessions at the East-West Center

Lunch - Walking to the University of Manoa

Afternoon - Tours

Evening - Open or join us for

Friday, September 27th

Morning - Sessions at the Hawaii State Capitol

Afternoon - Tours

Evening - Special Reception at the IBM Building

Saturday, September 28th

Morning - Tours

Afternoon - Tours

Evening - Open