Tour of Atlanta's former Methodist Center Chapel

Revival Lofts

159 Ralph McGill Boulevard NE
Atlanta, GA
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Did you know that the roof of Atlanta's Methodist Center chapel collapsed during construction?!

Join °®¶¹app/Georgia on November 15 for a tour of the building, now converted into Revival Lofts, to find out how and why!

Long a favorite of °®¶¹app/Georgia supporters, the project recently won a Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation Excellence in Preservation Award. Learn about the building's history, its transformation to a residential use and the role that historic preservation tax incentives played, AND tour the renovated building!

Reservations required, space is limited
RSVP to with the number of people in your party

Paid street parking is available north of the building on Piedmont Avenue, but MARTA and rideshare are recommended!

Thank you to Braden Fellman Group for hosting this event.