Susan Macdonald, ICCROM, RIBA, PIA

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Susan Macdonald, ICCROM, RIBA, PIA, is Head of the Buildings and Sites Department at them Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) where she oversees over 20 international projects that aim to advance conservation practice across a variety of challenges. Susan has worked as a conservation architect in private practice and in the government sector in Australia and in the UK. In her present and former role as Director of the NSW Heritage Office she was involved in a wide range of conservation issues from urban planning, development, economics, policy and technical matters. Susan has as a particular interest in 20th century heritage conservation, oversees the GCI’s Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative, has been involved in a number of world heritage nominations, and has published widely on this topic. She is a member of °®¶¹app, and APTi’s specialist technical committees on modern heritage and is a Vice President of ICOMOS ISC 20.