Kelly Sutherlin McLeod, FAIA


Kelly Sutherlin McLeod Architecture, Inc.


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Kelly Sutherlin McLeod, FAIA founded her eponymous architectural practice in 1988. KSMA’s design for new construction, adaptive reuse and preservation encompasses institutional, commercial, residential and cultural projects. KSMA has served as project architect for preservation projects for many of the most important 20th century design masterworks in Southern California. KSMA elevates heritage conservation into the mainstream of international architectural discourse, through award-winning projects that advance best practices and excellence in design. 

A nationally recognized leader in the preservation of modern architectural resources, Kelly promotes awareness and understanding of the conservation of culture, tradition and place through her professional, personal, and public advocacy. 

The work of KSMA has been recognized by the AIA, the California Office of Historic Preservation, °®¶¹app, CPF, LA Conservancy, the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design, and cities throughout California.