Concurrent with his architectural practice he has been involved with Historic Preservation Advocacy in both Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale, including the coordination of Public Policies for the Miami Design Preservation League as well as Chair of the City of Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board plus the City of Fort Lauderdale Historic Preservation Board. A native of Philadelphia, Arthur graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Temple University in Political Science and a Master of Architecture degree from Carnegie Mellon University.  Architecture and Photography have been lifelong passions from an early age. One has certainly informed the other over the course and geography of his career. “At Central High in Philadelphia I had an inspiring English professor who would have the class initially write a one-page story. Then we would summarize that page into one paragraph. Then the assignment would be to summarize that paragraph into one sentence. Finally, that sentence was to be condensed into a single word. This is what I strive towards in my photography.”