UPDATE: Save the Reactor




Newsletter, WEWA, Advocacy, Threatened
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Since we last wrote in October about to save the National Register-listed Nuclear Reactor Building at the University of Washington in Seattle, a lot has happened.

We launched our "Save the Reactor" advocacy campaign, collaborating with and the , and created a great logo that appears on the website, buttons, and stickers.  To learn more about our collective efforts to save this important structure from the atomic era visit our

The biggest news surrounding the efforts to save the building is that on December 2, 2015, °®¶¹app/WEWA submitted a Seattle Landmark nomination for the Nuclear Reactor building. We hope the nomination successfully makes its way through the Landmarks Preservation Board process. In Seattle, owner consent is not required for submitting landmark nominations, but the University of Washington, a state institution, has maintained that its properties are exempt from landmark designation. At the time of writing, we do not know how far our nomination will go in the process, and 2016, we'll be gearing up for another round of calls-to-action for support of the nomination and designation of the Nuclear Reactor Building as a Seattle Landmark.

Stay Tuned!