The Advocacy Fund


°®¶¹app staff


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Modern Love + The Advocacy Fund

As part of our #ModernLove campaign, and in response to the recent demolition of Burroughs Wellcome, °®¶¹app is announcing the creation of a new intiative: The Advocacy Fund. Gifts to this new initiative will go directly to critical advocacy efforts and will support local and national work.

Modern Love means many things to us: it means celebrating iconic sites like the Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice that received a 2020 Modernism in America Award of Excellence; it means fighting for significant sites like the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden; and it means avoiding the loss of significant buildings like Burroughs Wellcome designed by Paul Rudolph that was demolished earlier this year because it lacked appropriate preservation protections.

With your support, °®¶¹app can provide assistance to local advocates and campaigns, participate in local and national preservation review meetings including the Section 106 process, and continue to speak out on the issues that concern you the most.

All gifts up to $10,000 will be matched by the °®¶¹app Board of Directors, so if you have not donated recently, now is the perfect time. Many people are giving at the $100 level. You can or like a true Modernist with a hand-written check, mailed to:

PO Box 230977
New York, NY 10023