Take a trip through 1970s Minnesota


Katherine Stalker


°®¶¹app/Minnesota Chapter President


Web resource, Advocacy, Minnesota
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This year's °®¶¹app Advocacy Theme is the '70s Turn 50. °®¶¹app/Minnesota has made it easy for you to explore modern in Minnesota by highlighting the state's 1970s sites on their . Travel through 1970s Minnesota by navigating the map or clicking the plus sign next to “70s Selections” to browse by type.

Once you're done taking a stroll down that '70s lane, let °®¶¹app/MN know which sites should make it on their top ten #70sTurn50 list by filling out the form at the bottom of the page. 

For more ways you can join °®¶¹app and its chapters in spotlighting 1970s architecture, design and landscapes throughout 2020, check out the "How You Can Participate" section of our #70sTurn50 advocacy page.

The full Minnesota Modern Registry documents the wide array of buildings, sites, and neighborhoods of the modern movement in the state of Minnesota, and .

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