Registration now open for 2021 National Symposium


°®¶¹app staff


national symposium, Chicago
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Let's meet at the Crossroads

°®¶¹app is excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2021 National Symposium Chicago, to be held virtually from Tuesday May 25 - Friday May 28, 2021. 

The site of Chicago has been recognized as a crossroads not only for transport, but for its place at the intersection of architecture, culture, and technological change. The notion of "crossroads" reflects not only physical intersections but also a place in time where change itself has a rippling effect. How have transformations in cities and communities evolved to adapt the means and methods of preserving the modern? Are we currently at a Crossroads? Can contemporary issues of sustainable and equitable, connected communities, and resilient regions support this preservation? What level of intervention within the often-narrow confines of preservation is needed to extend the lifespan of the modern built environment? How late is modern? Let's meet at the crossroads and explore these questions together.

Each day of our 2021 virtual symposium will feature moderated presentation panels along with individual presentations divided amongst four thematic session days. Each day concludes with a virtual tour of four essential crossroads of Chicago’s architectural time and space.

View the Symposium Schedule

Registration Rates

°®¶¹app is pleased to be able to offer significantly reduced rates for the 2021 National Symposium.

Prices with all Tours

$150.00 (early)
$200.00 (late beginning Monday, May 3rd)

Full admission to the virtual Symposium lectures and tours.

$200.00 (early)
$250.00 (late beginning Monday, May 3rd)

Full admission to the virtual Symposium lectures and tours.


Full admission to the virtual Symposium lectures and tours. You must be a full-time student for academic year 2019-2020 or 2020-2021. You will be asked to provide a valid form of school enrollment identification. 

Students and emerging professionals are eligible for scholarship and sponsorship opportunities.

Registration Prices (no tours)

$100.00 (early)
$150.00 (late beginning Monday, May 3rd)

$150.00 (early)
$200.00 (late beginning Monday, May 3rd)


You must be a full-time student for academic year 2019-2020 or 2020-2021. You will be asked to provide a valid form of school enrollment identification. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in supporting the 2021 National Symposium Chicago: Crossroads of Modern America. The virtual symposium will feature talks by local and international authorities on the mid-century movement. A variety of virtual tours with live Q&A will be offered, showcasing how specific design strategies continue to be relevant in light of our search for sustainable community solutions. Each event has opportunities for sponsorship, with each level of sponsorship offering varying levels of acknowledgment for your support.

Student & Emerging Professional Scholarships

With the generous support of our members and sponsors, °®¶¹app is pleased to announce student and emerging professional scholarships to participate in the 2021 °®¶¹app National Symposium Chicago: Crossroads of Modern America. °®¶¹app Symposium Scholarships include access to all Symposium virtual lectures and tours.

The °®¶¹app/NOCA chapter is also offering scholarship opportunities. 

If you are a National Symposium sponsor and would like to donate a complimentary registration to our scholarship fund, please contact us at