Now Accepting Applications for the Theodore Prudon Fund For Preservation Education


°®¶¹app Staff


Study Grant
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°®¶¹app is pleased to announce the availability of student scholarships through the Theodore Prudon Fund for Preservation Education Grant Program, made possible by the generous support of our sponsors. These academic scholarships are exclusively available to graduate students in the field of historic preservation and are designed to assist with educational expenses. 


Theodore Prudon Fund for Preservation Education 2025-2026 Grant Program 

One (1) scholarship of $4,000 is awarded annually during the spring semester. The recipient also receives a one-year °®¶¹app student membership and complimentary registration for the °®¶¹app National Symposium. 
Founded in the United States in 1995, °®¶¹app is a non-profit organization led by a national Board of Directors and staff that represents a union of regional chapters that share its members’ knowledge of and enthusiasm for modern architecture and design. Its leadership comprises enthusiasts, historians, architects, designers, students, and preservationists. °®¶¹app serves all those interested in design, architecture, urbanism, landscape and history and is typically cited in the professional and general press as the initiator of the interest in preserving the recent past. 



°®¶¹app values diversity and believes that a range of perspectives enriches the outcome. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals, and actively encourage those from historically underrepresented communities.

Scholarships are available to students currently living in the United States who:  

  •  Are pursuing a graduate degree in historic preservation or heritage conservation in an accredited program in the United States.  
  • Have already completed one full semester or term of coursework. 
  • Are a US citizen or permanent resident of the United States. 

Application Materials 

All application materials must be submitted in PDF format by March 17, 2025, and include: 

  • A completed application form
  • A personal essay (no more than 500 words) describing the following:
    • How you intend to use the grant funds. °®¶¹app encourages the use of the funds for tuition support but understands that there are many ways that grant funding can be used to support educational pursuits. Specificity regarding the use of the funds and a demonstration of need is highly encouraged.  
    • Your interest in the preservation of buildings, design, landscapes, and or neighborhoods of the modern movement, and a description of how reciving the grant funding  helps you advance your career goals.
  • One (1) copy of your school transcript
  • One (1) letter of recommendation from someone qualified to assess your academic work. The letter must be emailed directly from your reference (not the applicant) to °®¶¹app at with the subject line: “[Name of the Student] Recommendation Letter.”
  • One (1) copy of your resume or curriculum vitae, including a brief narrative bio.

Review Process and Notification 

Application review and deliberation takes place in April 2025. Decision via email to the grant recipient and all scholarship applicants occurs in early May 2025, with funds disbursed in summer 2025.