Milwaukee's innovative Forest Home Library needs your help


Kelsey Kuehn


Director of Research, Vogel Design Group


Threatened, Advocacy, Library
Image details

Milwaukee’s former Forest Home Library branch is an iconic mid-century modern building. The library, which won multiple design awards for its innovative use of materials, scale, and functionality, is now threatened by demolition by a developer claiming it cannot be rehabilitated for new uses.

Update December 2, 2020

At their November 30 meeting, the Milwaukee Historic Preservation Commission voted unanimously to approve landmark designation for the Forest Home Library. Thank you to all who voiced their support. 

Unfortunately, the developer and architect are still pushing very hard against designation. The next step is the December 8th meeting of the Zoning, Neighborhoods, and Development Committee. During this meeting, the developer can appeal the landmark designation based on economic hardship, emotional appeals, and other reasons. A strong show of support for preservation is critical. 

The meeting will be held via remote teleconference and public participation is encouraged. Visit and look for the "eComment" link next to December 8 to submit a comment. You can also find details on how to submit emailed comments or register to speak at the hearing by clicking on the day's Agenda. (Note: this information is usually not live until just a few days before the hearing.)

You can also visit the to sign a statement of support and for more details on how you can help.  

Background & Significance

Distinguished Milwaukee architects Von Grossmann, Burroughs and Van Lanen designed the city’s innovative former Forest Home Library in 1966. With humble beginnings, Fritz Von Grossmann founded the firm in 1939, and in 1965 – the year before construction on Forest Home Library came to a close – the American Institute of Architects elevated Von Grossmann to the organization’s highest honor: the College of Fellows. The library itself also received praise and awards upon completion, including an Honor Award from the Wisconsin chapter of the AIA and a Design Excellence Award from the American Institute of Steel Construction, both in 1967. Judges from the AIA wrote that Forest Home Library was “an alive and creative solution to small scale public architecture.” The library is an excellent and intact example of mid-century design principles and the most significant library of its time period in the region. As an early architectural application of exposed Corten (or weathering) steel structural framing (likely the first in the region), Forest Home Library aesthetically nods to Eero Saarinen’s celebrated John Deere Headquarters in Moline, IL.

Current Threat

Opened in 1966, Milwaukee’s mid-century modern Forest Home Library remained active until 2017 when the branch expanded and relocated to another historic building a few blocks away. This move left the award-winning branch library building uninhabited and in the hands of the city which, in turn, put the building up for sale with explicit Buyer-Development obligations to “preserve” and “restore” the existing building and structural elements. In 2018 The Wisconsin State Historic Preservation office determined that the former Forest Home Library is preliminarily eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. On October 9th, 2020, a brief press release revealed that, despite their own “obligation” for preservation, the City of Milwaukee was moving forward with a sale and development proposal that called for the demolition of the historic library and its replacement with an only slightly larger new single story medical building. Milwaukee’s Historic Preservation Commission unanimously voted in favor of temporary historic designation on November 2nd. Hearings for permanent designation are scheduled for November 30th. Permanent designation would also need support by the local zoning committee and Common Council in early December. Forest Home Library would be Milwaukee’s first individually locally historically designated structure built after 1941.

Take Action Today

On Monday November 30, 2020 Milwaukee’s Historic Preservation Commission will consider granting permanent historic designation for the former Forest Home Library. The Commission meeting will be held via remote teleconference and public participation is encouraged. Visit and look for the "eComment" link next to November 30 to submit a comment. You can also find details on how to submit emailed comments or register to speak at the hearing by clicking on the day's Agenda. (Note: this information is usually not live until just a few days before the hearing.)

If the Historic Preservation Commission votes in favor of designation, the issue will be passed on to Milwaukee’s Zoning, Neighborhoods, and Development Committee for consideration. On Tuesday December 8, 2020 members on this committee will weigh preservation against community interest and prospective development. A strong show of support for preservation is critical. Visit and look for the "eComment" link next to December 8 to submit a comment. You can also find details on how to submit emailed comments or register to speak at the hearing by clicking on the day's Agenda. (Note: this information is usually not live until just a few days before the hearing.)

Visit the  to sign a statement of support and for more details on how you can help save Forest Home Library.