Honoring the °®¶¹app Longstanding Members of 2023


Michele Racioppi


°®¶¹app staff


Membership, Award, Modernism in America
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When °®¶¹app was created over 25 years ago, we set out to build a network of like-minded individuals to offer leadership, knowledge, and enthusiasm for the modern movement, which was little and little appreciated. We could not have envisioned the remarkable change in public attitude toward modernism we see today. That enthusiasm is due in large part to our long-standing members' dedication, interest and support in advancing the understanding of modern architecture and design.

Every year we thank and acknowledge our longstanding members in a formal way. Individuals who have reached the milestones of either ten (10) or twenty (20) years or membership will receive a pin and be recognized during the °®¶¹app Modernism in America Awards Ceremony. 

20 Year Members

The individuals listed below have been a °®¶¹app member for twenty years.

John S. Arbuckle Joseph Masheck
Jeffrey Diehl Jack Pyburn
Andrew Dolkart Nina Rappaport
Thomas N. Fox Marjorie Welish
Thomas Little  

10 Year Members

The individuals listed below have been a °®¶¹app member for ten years.

Nina L. Bernstein Historic Hawaii Foundation Gail Ostergren
Lawrence Blumberg Ann M. Keen Marcia Palma
Marc Boxerman Jane King Hession Russell Palma
Frances Campani Janine Kurth Elizabeth Pincus
Martha Cassidy Waverly B. Lowell Cristina Radu
Martin Despang Robin Lynn Dean Sakamoto
Sheila Donahue Susan Macdonald Michael Schwarting
Susan Gardner Robert Nauman Keith Short
John F. Giesler Jean Nielsen Berry Karen Trivette
Jason John Paul Haskins Jennifer Olivarez David Wark 
Stefan Hastrup    


From all of us at °®¶¹app, thank you for your dedication and support!

We invite you to join us for the Modernism in America Awards Ceremony on Thursday November 2nd in New York City to honor our longstanding members and celebrate the best of modernism.