Call for Articles: Places of Worship


Kimberly Phillips




special edition, Annual Theme
Image details

We’re dedicating the July special edition newsletter to articles addressing the °®¶¹app 2025 theme: . We invite article proposals that seek to explore and understand the multitude of religious, spiritual and faith-based sites across the country – illuminating their distinct styles, development, and community impact – and represent a diversity of communities, historic resources, and the individuals associated with them. °®¶¹app values diversity and believes that a range of perspectives enriches the outcome. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals, and actively encourage those from historically underrepresented communities.  


The creation of these uplifting structures, interiors, and landscapes often included a complex design fabric related to means of worship, rituals, and embedded iconography integral to specific denominations and storytelling. Spatial volumes, materials, light, sculpture, furniture, landscape, and decoration were intentionally designed to foster celebration and meditation.  


Today some of these sites are under threat because of underuse and surrounding development pressures. Deterioration of large structures that are overwhelming to small congregations, deferred maintenance and financial challenges are significant issues facing many historic sites. Due to the sheer number of this resource type, another challenge is documentation. 


Proposals should be received by Monday, April 7, 2025. If your article is accepted, materials are due by Monday, June 2, 2025. See below for article submission instructions. 


Article Submission Instructions 

Articles can take the form of new/original material; book excerpts; visual essays; articles from regional publications seeking a wider audience; articles from print-only publications that would like the article to be published digitally; modified thesis or thesis excerpts; and more.  
Article proposals should be submitted via email to and should include: 

  • Article title 
  • Brief description summarizing article content along with a short outline of the structure of the piece
  • A statement on how the subject contributes to the broader discussion of diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and justice. 
  • 1-2 samples of images and captions that would be included in the article 
  • Author(s) bio 

Final articles are typically 500-2,000 words and feature at least 4–6 images with captions. The author is responsible for securing any image/copyright permissions.