2024 °®¶¹app National Symposium 

May 29–June 1, 2024
Miami and Coral Gables, Florida

Join us in Miami and Coral Gables, Florida, from May 29 to June 1, 2024, and experience one of the country’s richest collections of mid-century and postmodern architecture. Entitled Streams of Modernity: Postwar to Postmodern, the 2024 National Symposium is a collaboration of °®¶¹app and the °®¶¹app/Florida chapter.

Miami is a city whose location, diversity and vibrant growth have made it an ideal destination for international travel, business, culture, and leisure. Incorporated in 1896 – though Native Americans inhabited the region for millennia – the city and its greater region are a remarkable landscape described by native Amerindians as a slowly flowing “river of grass,” with a thin strip of buildable land stretching along its coastline. The region became an escape for post-World War II middle America, shaped largely by the desire for leisure and entertainment. Over the past decades, Miami has become a laboratory to explore new urban patterns, building types, evolving aesthetics, and emerging environmental consciousness.

The symposium seeks to promote a broader understanding of the accomplishments of postwar to Postmodern architecture and culture in regionally specific contexts such as South Florida, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Themes to be explored include: Tropical Brutalism, Postwar campus planning in the (sub)tropics, LGBTQ+Modernism, Postwar tourism, urban renewal and Interstate infrastructure, Modern architecture and popular culture in south Florida, polychrome Modern and the integration of the arts, and more.

Online registration for the Symposium has reopened. Tour registration is in person only.


Please come to the registration table at the following dates/times for tour registration:

Wednesday May 29 Cosford Cinema, 2-6:30pm

Thursday May 30 Murphy Design Studio, Noon-5:00pm

Friday May 31 Murphy Design Studio, Noon-2:30pm

If you can not make it to the registration table, email info@docomomo-us.org and we will do our best to accommodate you.

The 2024 National Symposium is a joint partnership of °®¶¹app and its Florida chapter, along with the University of Miami School of Architecture, Florida International University, Friends of the Miami Marine Stadium, Dade Heritage Trust, and the Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables.

The National Symposium is only possible thanks to the generous support of partners and sponsors. Sponsoring the °®¶¹app National Symposium presents a prime opportunity to support national preservation efforts of modern structures while at the same time promoting your own brand to hundreds of like-minded preservationists. 

Miami National Symposium Sponsors



Glass Block




The °®¶¹app National Symposium is the primary event in the United States for professionals to discuss and share efforts to preserve modern architecture and meet leading practitioners and industry professionals.

The Symposium developed as a result of the °®¶¹app Board of Directors’ annual “Face to Face” meeting. The first expanded event took place in Los Angeles in 2010 with an open forum for local individuals actively engaged in the discussion of modern architecture. °®¶¹app hosted its first National Symposium in Sarasota, Florida in April 2013. Held annually, this multi-day conference seeks to engage local participants in cities across the United States, offering participants the ability to interact with and explore a wide variety of significant modern architecture and sites.