Yamasaki in Detroit

Josephine Ford Sculpture Garden

John R St and E. Kirby St
Detroit, MI
Image details

Minoru Yamasaki, Detroit’s best-known midcentury architect, left his mark all over the city. This tour, offered once per year to the public, explores Yamasaki’s legacy in Midtown and the Cultural Center, including stops at Wayne State University’s magnificent McGregor Conference Center and reflecting pool.

Detroit-based architect Minoru Yamasaki enjoyed an international reputation for his architectural vision. Locally he designed office buildings, houses of worships, educational institutions, and residences. His legacy includes five buildings located in Detroit’s Cultural Center. Learn more about him and these buildings as well as his architectural contributions to Detroit and the world in this exclusive, behind the scenes tour.


October 13, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Please arrive at 12:45 pm. All tours take place rain or shine.

Parking: Metered and non metered street parking is available in the immediate area. Paid parking is also available at the Park Shelton parking structure and DIA parking structure and lot.

Where: Josephine Ford Sculpture Garden, located at John R and Kirby behind the DIA, on the College for Creative Studies campus

Advance ticket purchases are available until 3pm the Friday before the tour. Tickets may be refunded up to 7 days prior to the date of a tour; after that, tickets are not refundable.

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