Architect Wallace K. Harrison asked, “Have you ever thought what it would be like to live inside a giant sapphire?” With more than 20,000 pieces of glass in 86 hues, the dalle de verre of the First Presbyterian Church in Stamford achieves his goal of creating a building with “soaring space and jeweled light”. The acoustics of the sanctuary drove the form of the building which resembles a fish and led this building to be nicknamed ‘The Fish Church’.
Docent-led tours will introduce the visitors to the unique sanctuary, the magnificent Visser Rowland organ and the 56 Bell carillon. The superior acoustics will be demonstrated by Kevin Bailey, Minister of Music. The carillon will be played throughout the day; tours of the carillon are available, but space is limited.
Wes Haynes, preservationist and Executive Director of the , will give three presentations about mid-century architecture in the chapel.
11:00 a.m. - A Fish out of Water: Wallace K. Harrison and First Presbyterian Church
12:30 p.m. - Mid-Century Modern Gothic: Atelier Loire and First Presbyterian’s Art Glass
2:15 p.m. - Re-Imagined Symbols of Faith and Community: A Virtual Tour of Mid-Century Religious Buildings Around Stamford.
This event is sponsored by and is offered free of charge.
Visit the Fish 2019
First Presbyterian Church of Stamford
1101 Bedford Street
Stamford, CT
Stamford, CT