The way Frank Lloyd Wright left his stamp on Oak Park, Illinois, and the way Morris Lapidus shaped Miami Beach in his image, is the way Charles McKirahan shaped Greater Fort Lauderdale - in fact and in image. Like the former two, McKirahan was an iconoclast who created a style all his own, working within the modern architecture of the day as a point of departure. See the breadth and artistry of McKirahan’s Tropical American Modernism, from definitive ranch homes to waterfront apartment hotels to churches, office buildings and a modern village. Enter properties not usually open to the public too, on this four-hour bus tour with walking.
Saturday October 16, 2021 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
$50 °®¶¹app and New River Architecture Project members/$60 non-members
Lunch included
Meet and park at the The Mai-Kai, 3599 North Federal Highway, Oakland Park, Florida
Proof of covid-19 vaccination or negative test within five days required.
For tickets call 754-213-1806 and have debit/credit card information ready. Online registration will be available soon.
New River Architecture Project is a 501(c)3, Florida not-for-profit corporation. All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.