Preserving the Recent Past 4
Marcch 19-22, 2025 (additional tours on March 18 and 23)
Boston, Massachusetts
Bundle up for Boston in March (we hear it is the best time of year for architectural photography!), and join your colleagues from preservation, non-profit, and development organizations as we celebrate the 30th anniversaries of °®¶¹app and the Preserving the Recent Past conference series.
In 1995, Preserving the Recent Past – the first national conference to examine the evaluation and preservation of twentieth-century resources – was held in Chicago, Illinois. It was during this event that a US chapter of °®¶¹app International held its charter meeting. In honor of our 30th anniversary, °®¶¹app is partnering with the Historic Preservation Education Foundation (HPEF) to host Preserving the Recent Past 4 (PRP4). This event will be in lieu of the National Symposium.
PRP4 provides the latest forum to share strategies for identifying, protecting, and conserving significant structures and sites from the post-World War II era, with a specific focus on resources from the last 50 years. °®¶¹app and the °®¶¹app/New England chapter are organizing the amazing tours you are used to, and we wouldn't miss a chance to throw a party - come celebrate our 30th at the conference opening reception, which will be held at Boston City Hall.
All conference information and registration will be shared through the PRP4 website.
Registration is now open!
°®¶¹app members: Check your email for a special discount on conference registration. (Please note: you can only use one code per registration. If you are registering more than one member, the registrations must be done separately to receive the discount on each registration).