Preservation Challenges of Modernist Structures

S.R. Crown Hall

3360 S State St.
Chicago, IL
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The majority of Modernist buildings and sites realized during the 20th Century have reached the 50 year threshold to be considered eligible for historic designation. Many of these structures are at a point in their life cycle where intervention is required, whether due to deterioration, neglect, misguided modifications or other factors. This symposium addresses the technical, legal, and cultural challenges surrounding the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction of Modern structures. Symposium presentations and speakers include:


  • The Madrid/New Dehli Document: Approaches for the Conservation of 20th Century Cultural Heritage - G. Harboe (Harboe Architects)
  • The Plight of Suburban Modernism - Elgin State Mental Hospital - E. Keune (SOM)
  • GSA's Sustainable Asset Management: Preserving and Adapting Mid-Century Facilities - R. Theel, R. Nally, M. McGunigle, M. Roche (GSA)
  • Preservation and Modernization Challenges at Gordon Bunshaft's Hirshhorn Museum - N. Vigener (SGH)
  • A Challenge or a Gift: Conserving the Original Building Materials of Louis Kahn's Salk Institute - K. ltle, T. Crowe (WJE)
  • The Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer: Modernism and Rehabilitation on the Great Plains - D. Worth, G. Munn (BVH)
  • Century of Progress: The House of Tomorrow - E. Torrez (BauerLatoza), J. Rodriguez (WSP), C. Hasbrouck (bKL), T. Zeiger (IN Landmarks)
  • Eero Saarinen's Milwaukee War Memorial Stair - N. Vogel (Restoric), D. Weiss, R. Drewry (Preserve LLC)
  • North Shore Congregation Israel: Concrete Repairs on a Modern Icon - M. Ford, D. Slaton, P. Gaudette (WJE)
  • Challenges of Preserving the Gateway Arch - S. Kelley (Stephen J. Kelley, Inc.)
  • Special Legal Challenges and Preservation Opportunities for Modernist Structures - R. Friedman (Neal & Leroy)
  • Mid-Century Glazed Glass Block - N. Frank (SAIC - MS Historic Preservation candidate)
  • Conserving Tadao Ando's Concrete in Chicago - D. Whittaker (IIT - Ph.D. Architectural History candidate)


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