Practical Methods in Preserving Modern Architecture

Virtual event

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Part Five of California Preservation Foundation's "" five-part series.

This three-part, intermediate-level seminar will examine the many considerations that go into the preservation and reuse of post-1950 historic resources. Expert consultants and designers will look at best practices and emerging trends, and will also look at some representative case examples that illustrate challenges in preserving modern resources. 

  • Part 1: Katie Horak – “Addressing and Articulating Significance of a Modern Structure”
  • Part 2: T. Gunny Harboe “Topic TBA”
  • Part 3: Flora Chou - "Conditions Assessment and Treatment for Modern Structures and Sites"

Each part will be split up by time for questions and a short break.

This program will qualify for three units of AIA and AICP continuing education units.


Thursday April 1, 2021
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Pacific

$75 registration
°®¶¹app members can use the code MODSQUAD to receive $15 off 


This program is led by three °®¶¹app Board members.

Flora Chou, "Conditions Assessment and Treatment for Modern Structures and Sites."
Ms. Chou is a Senior Associate and Cultural Resources Planner for Page & Turnbull in the Los Angeles office. Based in California, Page & Turnbull is an architecture, planning, and conservation firm imagining change in historic environments through design, research, and technology. Flora leads the architectural history and preservation planning aspects of the firm’s Southern California projects. As a Cultural Resources Planner, Flora researches and evaluates sites for their historic status eligibility; prepares a variety of reports including historic resource evaluations and technical reports, context statements, preservation plans, and landmark nominations; reviews projects for their compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (SOI Standards) and other applicable standards and guidelines; and assists with conditions assessments and treatment guidelines. Her experience with historic sites ranges from mid-19th century adobe structures to mid-20th century modern buildings. She holds a master’s degree in historic preservation from Columbia University, a bachelor’s degree from Claremont McKenna College, and is a LEED-accredited professional. Prior to joining Page & Turnbull in 2013, she was a preservation advocate for the Los Angeles Conservancy. She currently serves on the national board of °®¶¹app, a nonprofit organization that advocates for the buildings and sites of the modern movement.

T. Gunny Harboe, FAIA, Topic TBA
Mr. Harboe is a registered architect with over 25 years of experience and currently runs his own small firm. He received his M. Arch. from M.I.T., (including study in Copenhagen, Denmark); a M.Sc. in Historic Preservation from Columbia University; and an A.B. in History from Brown University. Harboe gained a national reputation for his award winning restorations of the Rookery Building and Reliance Buildings and has been the preservation architect for many iconic modern masterpieces including Mies van der Rohe’s S.R. Crown Hall and 860-880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments; Frank Lloyd Wright’s Robie House, Unity Temple, and Taliesin West, and Louis Sullivan’s Carson Pirie Scott & Co. Store. Harboe was named a “2001 Young Architect” by the National AIA, and “Chicagoan of the Year” by Chicago Magazine in 2010. A founding member of DOCOMOMO_US, he was also a Regional Director of AIA National, and President of AIA Chicago, and a founding member and current Vice President of the ICOMOS ISC on 20th Century Heritage. He is also an Adjunct Professor at IIT.

Katie Horak, “Addressing and Articulating Significance of a Modern Structure."
Ms. Horak is a Principal at Arhitectural Resources Group where she masterfully transforms large, complex historic resource surveys and studies into manageable processes and useful products. With a love of historic buildings, regional history, and planning, she is perfectly suited for her work on historic structures reports, determinations of eligibility, landmark nominations, and Mills Act contract administration. Her talents for distilling complexity and communicating clearly inform both her professional practice and her teaching in the Heritage Conservation program at the University of Southern California.

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