Post-Modern Midtown: Recent Past / Current Preservation Issues

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The office construction boom of the 1980s left the skyline of Midtown transformed. In contrast to the previous Post-War boom of the 1950s and 60s, when symbol-free, functionalist, International Style Modern towers of glass façades, flat roofs and public plazas predominated, these new Post-Modern buildings embraced traditional forms…with a twist. Ironic, irreverent and urbane, these towers and public spaces represented then-new thinking about urban planning and changing architectural theory. Join Executive Director of °®¶¹app, Liz Waytkus, and Architectural Historian John Kriskiewicz as we explore architecture, planning and a few small-scale gems, developed at the height of Post-Modernism, as well as current preservation issues along the 57th Street corridor. Discover what influenced their design, the context in which they were built and their contribution to architectural history. Should they be preserved? What are the challenges? What are the issues?