Modern Claremont Along Route 66


Claremont, CA
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As part of our annual 2015 Home Tour Weekend, Claremont Heritage is pleased to announce that we will once again partner with °®¶¹app to Celebrate National Tour Day. Saturday, October 10th from 1:30 – 3:00 pm, please join us for a Walking Tour of some of the more significant mid-century commercial and institutional buildings in Claremont. We will focus our tour on the famous Route 66 (Foothill Blvd) and visit a former Pomona First Federal Bank (now US Bank) designed by Millard Sheets, Claremont United Methodist Church designed by Richard Neutra, Claremont School of Theology designed by Edward Durell Stone, Pereria & Luckman, and Criley & McDowell as well as the campus of Harvey Mudd College designed by Edward Durell Stone.

The tour will conclude at the design studio of Hartman/Baldwin, a local design build firm who specializes in restorations. All tour goers will receive a map of other Modern sites in Claremont including residences and commercial/institutional buildings that can be viewed independently. Please consider joining us for a special Lunch Presentation + Book-signing prior to the Walking Tour. Featuring Neutra Scholar, Barbara Lamprecht, from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm at a special location on the campus of Harvey Mudd College. Her talk, based on her dissertation will feature examples of Neutra’s work in Claremont. Includes a luncheon buffet, Neutra books by Barbara Lamprecht will be available for sale and signing, as well as other books and ephemera that relate to Claremont Modern.