This is one of four parallel sessions taking place from 11:35 AM - 12:50 PM on Thursday June 2.
Speakers have been asked to pre-record their presentations and we will be releasing these videos to registrants after the Symposium so that you can watch sessions you weren't able to attend.
Down the Shore
Of the many seashore communities in our region, Wildwood, New Jersey, stands out for its abundance of mid-century architecture. Comprising a colorful array of Space-Age, Googie, and Tropical themes, Wildwood motels provided a populist exposure to Modernism for middle class families. This session will examine the development of the resort city, its role as a vehicle for spreading the popularity of Modern architecture, and its history of exclusion and segregation during its heyday.
Speakers & Paper titles:
- Learning from the Wildwoods
Daniel Vieyra, Ph.D., AIA, is Professor Emeritus in the School of Architecture at Kent State University - Reconsidering Modernism through a Social Equity Lens
Ian Smith, Principal, ISâ€DG - Mainstreaming Modern: How Motels Introduced Modernism to the Middle Class
Stephanie Hoagland, Principal and Architectural Conservator, Jablonski Building Conservation Inc.