The next °®¶¹app/Colorado organizational meeting will be held Tuesday, January 7 at 6:00 pm at the office of Kephart Architects in Denver.
The group is aiming to compile all of the pieces that are needed to present to °®¶¹app at their annual meeting in June, in order to then officially file for 501c3 designation.
If you are passionate about preserving Colorado's significant and threatened modern resources, please come out and join us!
If you can not make the meeting, please email and we will get you in touch with the chapter organizers.
One of the minimum requirements for a chapter to form is to have at least 10 dues-paying members in the chapter's geographic area. So, if you are a Colorado resident, one of the best ways you can help is by renewing or joining today.
°®¶¹app/Colorado group hosts first meeting of 2020
Kephart Architects
2555 Walnut St
Denver, CO
Denver, CO