Join °®¶¹app DC and Claude Engle for a talk on the DC Metro Lighting Renovation Project.
Lighting designer Claude Engle will present the ongoing project to renovate the lighting in the Washington, DC area's Metro stations. The new lighting approach implements the original design intent with today’s technology, allowing the stations to fully realize Harry Weese’s design for the first time. The new brighter, more evenly lit stations highlight the unique brutalist architecture of the stations. The course is registered for 1 AIA LU.
Presenter: Claude Engle, President / Senior Designer
Host: Joe Marullo
WHEN: Thursday, August 18, 2020, 4–6 pm EDT
WHERE: Wherever you are, via WebEx; Register at
All attendees must register in advance with WebEx through the link above. Once registered, attendees will receive an email with a link and instructions for joining the session.