Celebrate Modernism!

Lewis & Clark College

0615 SW Palatine Hill Rd
Portland , OR
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The Modernist Legacy at Lewis and Clark College


°®¶¹app/Oregon has invited scholar Libby Farr and architects from Boora and Holst to talk about the work of Paul Thiry (a pioneering northwest modernist architect) and others on the campus. This event will also show examples of recent renovations and additions to masterworks of the midcentury and offer and introduction to the history of this beautiful campus. A self-guided walking tour (with a specially created map) will follow the program, and among other treasures visitors will be able to visit the usually closed South Chapel by John Maloney which features unique glass art from the period.



Lewis & Clark College offers several dining options details will be available on the event day.Please feel free to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the College’s beautiful grounds.

°®¶¹app Chapter