Arts and the City
This session will look at the integration, or the lack thereof, of arts and the city in communities of color. Case studies include New Haven, San Francisco and Riverside, California and will dive into where art was integrated into development and for whom this art was for. Riverside will look at the preservation of a former library as the new Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art and Culture and how the preservation of this new formalist building has galvanized a community.
Speakers & Abstracts:
- Public Art in New Haven: For the Elite, For the People, For the City
Laura A. Macaluso, Ph.D., researcher, writer, curator, and proposal writer and reviewer. - Museums of the Future: How Redevelopment Shaped San Franscisco's Public Art
Hannah Simonson, Cultural Resources Planner at Page & Turnbull, San Francisco. - Changing Purpose: Changing Community
James Mallery, Associate Principal with Page & Turnbull, project architect for The Cheech.
- Adriane V. Jefferson, nationally award-winning Cultural Equity expert, Arts Administrator, Public Speaker.
Hotel Marcel, 500 Sargents Dr, New Haven, CT, 06511