Architectural Walking Tour of the Claremont Colleges

Huntley Bookstore

175 E 8th St
Claremont, CA
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Claremont Heritage is proud to participate in the 2014 °®¶¹app Tour Day on Saturday, October 11th. As part of our Home Tour Weekend, we will present a guided architectural walking tour of the Claremont Colleges.


From the very beginning, the Claremont Colleges have enjoyed buildings and master plans developed by some of the leading architects of their day. Myron Hunt, a founder of the Southern California School of Architecture, was one of the most influential architects of the early twentieth century. His master plan for Pomona College guided the development of the school well into the1920s. Some of the college's best loved gardens and buildings were designed by Hunt: the Greek Theater, Rembrandt Hall, the Pomona Gates, and Bridges Hall of Music, thought to be one of Hunt's best buildings. Scripps College's initial plan and buildings were designed by pioneering architect Gordon Kaufmann. Millard Sheets and architect S. David Underwood, who also worked on the Sheets studio with him, were the architects of the Garrison Theater.


Edward Durell Stone master-planned Harvey Mudd and Claremont School of Theology. Theodore Criley Jr. and Fred W. McDowell formed a successful partnership that produced the forward-thinking master plan for Pitzer College in addition to buildings on virtually every campus in Claremont. More recent architects such as Robert A.M. Stern and wHY architects have also left there mark on the Ponoma College campus. Award winning architect Rafael Vinoly, created the outstanding Kravis Center at Claremont McKenna College in 2011. The Claremont Colleges have inspired a strong architectural heritage in Claremont that will be addressed on this tour.