2017 MoMo Holiday Cocktail Party

Hattie's Hat

5231 Ballard Avenue NW
Seattle, WA
Image details

Join °®¶¹app WEWA for our annual holiday cocktail party at Hattie's Hat on Wednesday, December 13th. The festivities begin at 6 pm (we'll wrap up around 8:30 pm). Celebrate the holidays with us at this Ballard institution (since 1904).


We’ve reserved the back room of the restaurant (past the kitchen). Appetizers will be on us and there will be a no-host bar.


Bring your good cheer and help us celebrate a great year of preservation advocacy!


The °®¶¹app WEWA Board of Directors will hold an Annual Meeting at 5:00 pm to take care of some Board business (not too exciting) and to discuss programs for 2018. The Annual Meeting is open to the public. We welcome ideas and suggestions for 2018 programs.

°®¶¹app Chapter